You can upload your banner in jpeg or gif format, 468x60 in size and it must be 10k or less.
You get 3 showings of your banner for every 4 banners you show.
What shows up on your page is a banner like what you see above the login form.
Your ad/page must be e-Gold related or of specific intrest to the e-Gold community.
This includes pages with discussions of e-gold, commercial sites that take e-gold, e-gold directories or anything similar of specific intrest to the e-gold community.
Specific Prohibitions:
No Warez, Porn or Illegal Acitivity.
No HYIPs (High Yield Investment Program)
No Pyramid Schemes, gifting programs or Ponzi scams
No attemts to get passwords or e-qold.
No similar scams, hopefully you get the idea.
No putting affiliate program e-gold ads on the page.
Note: I break the last rule, it is the banner that gets shown when there are no credits available but this is the only break allowed.
You can put the banner anywhere on any page of yours, not necessarily the page your banner links to but this is a good idea.
You also currently get 10 credits for signing up. Yippie.
You must put the http:// in front of your link for it to function properly.